Sunday 23 June 2013

I have something to tell you…!

I have something to tell you...!
Ma, listen to me, Will you?
I promise I won’t bring you any suffering
Please let me live, and kill me not in my life’s very beginning...

Yes I am your little girl, inside you I survive;
Its only your strong will that can allow me to blossom and thrive..
I promise I shall not bring you any suffering..
Ma, I have to tell you something...

When you see me for the first time,
You are sure to get misty eyed..
My little hands you shall hold,
And my shining eyes, you shall adore...

When I turn two,
With my soft voice, ‘Ma’ I shall call you..
When I turn three,
With my little feet, I shall run around and make you run behind me..
When I grow to being ten,
I would love to show you how well I can dance...

As I grow everyday..
Your values and morals you shall imbibe in me day by day..
When I turn sixteen,
I would quietly use your make up and seeing me you are sure to gleam…
As I turn eighteen stepping into adulthood,
A bond of friendship with me you shall form, along with your warm motherhood...
When I complete my doctorate,
Mighty proud you shall be, when my degree I shall take...

When I get married, I know you shall miss me,
But seeing my happiness, I know you are going to beam...
When I have my little one..
I shall tell her about our little secrets and all our fun ;)

All this and much more together we can do,
If you allow me to live inside you..
I have something to tell you...!
Let me live.. Ma, Will you?

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda - See more at:


  1. such is the pain of a girl child ! Thought provoking , beautifully weaved.
    I wish you all the very best for the contest .

  2. Brilliant expressions! The fact is if a mother wishes the save her, the girlchild lives... It is been very well portrayed over here.

    Kindly visit my place and give a review :) @

    1. Thanks a lot Namrata. Glad you liked this one. :)
