Sunday 7 July 2013

When you say nothing at all…

I might not be the best daughter
I don’t listen to you all the time,
I get angry, I get cranky;
Punish me as much as you want,
But don’t be quiet
Coz 'apart' my world falls;
When you say nothing at all..

I am the not best sister;
I don’t get your perspectives every time,
Your wishes, I don’t always grant;    
Fight with me as much as you want,
But don’t be quiet
Coz 'apart' my world falls;
When you say nothing at all..

I can’t be called the best friend you’ve ever had;
I don’t call you often and I know it makes you mad,
Shriek at me as much as you want,
But don’t be quiet
Coz 'apart' my world falls;
When you say nothing at all..

I am not the best girlfriend one can have,
When you praise other women, jealousy pangs I have
Don’t buy me gifts my next birthday and yell at me as much as you want,
But don’t be quiet
Coz 'apart' my world falls;
When you say nothing at all..

I have not been my best as a wife,
You come home to a messy house at times,
While my shopping bills give you sleepless nights,
Scream at me as much as you want,
But don’t be quiet
Coz 'apart' my world falls;
When you say nothing at all..

I try hard but I am not the best mother,
I don’t always give you enough time and that makes me bother,
I push you to try harder coz this world I want you to conquer,
Fight with me in your childish ways,
But don’t be quiet
Coz 'apart' my world falls;
When you say nothing at all..

My People, My World,
Whenever I give you nightmares,
Scream, shout and fight out aloud,
But don’t be quiet
Coz 'apart' my world falls;
When you say nothing at all..

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. Nice!
    Silence is troubling!
    Keep blogging..:)

    1. Hi Dhruvv, Welcome to this space.. Thank you :) Glad you liked it.. Indeed, silence of loved ones is troubling.. You too keep blogging :)

  2. I read somewhere that, "Its not the words of your enemies that hurt you the most, rather it's the silence of your friends”.
    You've put that essence so rightly here. Kudos.

  3. Silence speaks .. aint it ?? you have yelled the emotions out so fabulously .. thank you for stumbling upon .. I discovered a nice blog :) to frequent around..
    BTW you have given me a solution .. thats how I can express my discomfort to the female members of my family .. :D

    1. Hey, thank you so much :) Glad to have you in this space.. Looking forward to more of your feedback.. Haha.. the poetry says you should not be silent when you are upset.. Don't take it the other way round :P
