Friday 11 October 2013

'Today' was the day !!!

Image Source: Google
‘Today’ was the day,
We embarked on a new way
Holding my hand, you wanted ‘us’ to sway
‘Bridging’ the gap between us away  

Doubts gathered my mind
Faults I would find
But still I said
‘Wouldn’t stop my heart from feeling for you any day’

It happened that way
I fell for you in my own little ways
But every feeling, I didn’t show
And you couldn’t know

I made mistakes
You made them too
I forgave and forgot
Just as you had asked me to
Alas! for you, it didn’t happen that way

Things bogged you down
Other interesting avenues you found
You walked away
Quoting my mistakes
Never realizing that this heart’s every memory was at stake

‘Today’ was the day
You wanted ‘us’ to embark on a new way
I still await
I always will
Hope you will ‘Someday’
May be ‘Today’
Will forget the past gloomy days
And embark on a new ‘Way’


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading Abhijit. And welcome to this space :)

  2. Love the rhyme but sad that forgiveness is a quality not all have!

    1. Thanks for reading Aditi. And yes 'Forgiveness' is a rare quality. But an absolute necessary one in relationships.

  3. "this heart’s every memory was at stake" - Lovely!

  4. I can feel the pain and the regret in your words. Forgiveness is indeed necessary but is much easier when the other person involved acknowledges the hurt they caused, at whatever level.

    1. Thanks for visiting Gabriella. Yes, the acknowledgement of hurt they cause is important.

  5. I can feel the hope in this from what is a dark place, today is the day we can step forward, Well done.

    1. Yes, hope is what keeps us going, isnt it?? Thanks Alan :)

  6. i like the patience and hopefulness in the speaker...

  7. Sometimes things will happen in their own time, if one waits long enough. Hopefully in this case the wait will be rewarded.

    1. Amen to that Mary. Hope the wait is rewarded. Thanks for visiting :)
