Wednesday 18 December 2013

My Dear CC

My Dear CC,

I somehow feel very nostalgic today. It’s been years since we have been together and you know we have been sticking to each other like conjoined twins. Never letting go off each other, enjoying each other’s company and loving each other like truest of lovers.  

Do you remember the year 2009, CC? Ah, how would you? You were not in my life then. But let me tell you a little story. Year 2009 spelled doom for financial sectors across the world. And why just financial sector, it spelled doom for countries, leave aside a particular sector. Two years before that, a starry-eyed girl topping the entrance test tried to catch hold of her post graduate degree dreams.

Little did she know, that by the time she would be about to get hold of her management degree, the universe would have conspired against her dreams of strutting around in business suits with crisp make up, holding interesting meetings with clients, knocking down strategies of competitors, having business lunches and flying to different cities cracking deals for her multinational. Lest she knew, that two years down the line, she would be wearing some of the most humble attires, having conversations with fed up clients, getting knocked down by bosses, having lunch with same old colleagues and most of all, hopping from one city to another every single day but not by some comfortable airline but inside a jam packed, worn out state transport buses.

Yes, the year 2009 gave a 3600 turn to my life made a sarkari babu (government officer) out of me with the office located in another city so far away that the most convenient way to reach there was in those buses (no matter how uncomfortable they were).

The hardest part of the travel ranged from being bored to death during the one and half hours long journey, the damage to my eardrums from the noise of those worn out buses, the headache caused because of the constant chatter of passengers around and not to forget the trouble to my legs due to lack of seats.

Three months into my job, I came home complaining my tiresome journey every day. I don’t know whether it was my cribbing or something else but one fine tiring and boring journey later when I reached home, you awaited me. Yes, CC, you came into my life then. My parents made me meet you. I fell in love with you the very instant. I know you did too.

From that day onwards, you became my Constant Companion, my CC. The bored-to-death syndrome was replaced with entertained-to-the-hilt syndrome every single day. With you, I would either be finding out how Ted Mosby’s children got to know about their father’s rather loongggg love story of finding their Mother or I would be lost in the craziness of Chandler Bing and gang.

And CC, don’t you remember, the times when I had exhausted my quota for these shows, some or the other e-book would have found its way with us. Isn’t it? If I was not in a mood to have a book date, I would relieve my stress of going to work everyday by killing some goons in the game of FLV Commando or Crushing some candies :P:P Yeah, yeah I know it was too much for you.

CC, do you remember how proud I was to have you when I showed you around in my bus. Yes, the so called bus that we took everyday brimmed with employees whose average age surpassed forties and whose only form of entertainment was gossiping and poking noses in somebody else’s business which included some very grave concerns about how much I earned, details about my family, why wasn’t I married yet, where did I get my new kurti from and why did I get down at a stop earlier than my usual. The never-be-rude syndrome in me made me answer those uncomfortable questions cringingly. But that was before you.

You came to my rescue like a knight in shining armor protecting me from the volley of those uncomfortable questions making me oblivious to my over friendly passengers.

I know CC, I am somewhat forgetful. Being a writer, it makes things even worse. Coz I used to constantly observe and write things in my head; whilst forgetting half of them while they actually got implemented on paper. But that was also before you CC. You understood this facet of mine and that’s why you were always there with me. You became the place where I poured my thoughts just as they came about in my head; which not only included the time while I traveled but also my office desk, my actual writing table and most importantly near my pillow at night.

Do you know CC that the times have changed so much and sarkari naukri (government job) no longer means aaram ki jindagi. (comfortable life) Which meant more work and more deadlines. (Yes, I know it’s kind of an earth shattering truth but it is) Do you remember, those hard times when I read those long and arduous agreements while I traveled. You wouldn’t believe but I made some gruesome notes and presentations with you in those ghastly buses.

I am getting emotional now CC. You have been truly been my constant companion helping me tread through thick and thin. Whether it was by keeping me entertained or by allowing me follow my passion and even letting me work. You were truly a soul mate, CC.

But CC, today we need to talk. I know it would be hard for you to listen what I am about to say now. But CC, I don’t have a choice. Times change and so do people. I have changed too. My needs have changed too. You were there with me CC, but I need more now. Yes, call me selfish, but I can’t help it.

You have grown old dear. You don’t look as stunning as you looked earlier. You have been hanging up on me quite a few times recently and I just can’t take it anymore, love. And besides, my needs, well, they are increasing CC. I need more out of you which you haven’t been able to give off late. Its hard for me to say this love, but I will have to let go off you dear.

Oh, I know you might be thinking if I have somebody else in my life. I have to confess CC. Yes, I have found somebody else. Yes, I am swallowing hard while I say this but she is better, much better than you.

Now don’t weep CC. You had your days. My new one, oh, she is stunning. Sleek and beautiful. And do you know the best thing about her. She is multi-mode.  

With her around, I know I would be able to read so many books and browse those wonderful blogs with so much ease. You know why CC? That’s because it can eliminate twisting force and create comfortable one-handed holding with its unique battery cylinder. And do you remember how crazy I am about having video chats with my little niece Tyra, I would be able to do that so more often with its unique kickstand which would let me enjoy the comfort of a hands-free viewing experience. And how can I forget my passion for writing. I know I would be able to do that easily now since its battery cylinder provides the perfect angle for touch interaction.

So CC, I guess that’s the end of our relationship. Yes, I have my eyes on somebody else. Ah, how brilliant she is. Oh, I know you would want to know her name. So here it is. She is the Lenovo YOGA Tablet. Wish me a happy life with her.

Once yours, now hers,

Ardent Tablet Lover

This post is written for Lenovo Yoga Tablet - A Better Way in association with IndiBlogger]


  1. What a brilliant way to bid adieu to your favourite CC ! But I guess she can still occupy a place among your personal belongings, and play the granny role to perfection :) Let her not meet Ms Lenovo for sometime; she would pass on the ' don't-be-proud-I've-been-there-done-that-see-what's-my-situation-now ' message :D

    Lovely Write up dear !

    1. Thanks Sreeja.. I agree, I can keep my old CC, but as you suggested I have to keep her away from the new one.. Btw your "don't-be-proud-I've-been-there-done-that-see-what's-my-situation-now" is amazing ;);)

  2. Yup...traveling is always made easy with smart phone or tablet. Best of luck :)

    1. Indeed Pankti.. Thank you and all the best to you too :)

  3. A good one. Very interesting post.

    1. Thanks Ushaji.. Glad you found it interesting :)

  4. All the very best for the contest :)

  5. Wah Wah! Really enjoyed reading this :). And yes, the new CC also does YOGA. :) All the best Jyotsna...:)

    1. Hehehe.. Thanks Bikash.. Yes, the new one also does Yoga ;)

  6. Enjoyed your analysis... well researched and written...
    All the best for the contest :)
    Would love your thoughts on mine too:

    1. Thanks Canary.. All the best to you too.. Heading to read yours !!

  7. Oh! Wonderful post! It's interesting to know how our imagination works differently while dealing with same subject. Well done! Best wishes for the contest!

    The Arts & Me

    1. Thanks Sindhu :) I agree to your observation Sindhu and I guess that's the best part of writing for a contest.. One topic and so many interpretations.

  8. Awww... poor CC :P
    Hihi, nice post!
