Saturday 5 April 2014

Elderly couples

Have you ever noticed those elderly couples around? The ones with withering bodies, the ones hanging onto each other for support! I happen to notice a few of them around. The first thing that strikes me about them is their composure and calmness as a couple. They seem so comfortable in each other’s presence. Neither is the wife worried about her husband’s hovering eyes nor the husband over protecting her. No going overboard with showing their love for each other amidst public places and no hassles or haggles in handling each other as a couple. Just a state of pure comfort!

What is it that makes them so confident about the other person that they seem to be in state of perfect harmony? Of course, it is because of the amount of time they’ve spent with each other. May be, there is some unknown bond which probably only time can create. They know other person well, their weakness, their needs, their attitudes and may be that’s how they have adjusted themselves accordingly.

The other day while in the bus, (yes, I am talking about my Rickety Ride) I saw an elderly couple seated at the first seat. The bus was crowded and I stood near them. The conductor came by and asked for the place for the ticket. The woman opened her purse, took out a few notes and mumbled something to the conductor. The bus conductor couldn’t understand the name of the place she mumbled about. Hence he asked her again. Her husband got the clue and he mentioned the place to the conductor. I wonder how effortlessly the husband realized that her wife’s mumbling can only be understood only by him! The entire route, they sat in almost silence. Yet the comfort within them was so very throbbing. While getting down, the husband asked her to be careful, even telling the bus driver to not start the bus until she gets down. His concern, so evident in his voice. It made me smile seeing their beautiful chemistry.

Yet another day, an elderly couple boarded the bus. (and this time it’s not my Rickety Ride. Well you see, I happen to travel on a lot of buses; not that they are my favourite mode of travel, but I happen to). The husband boarded the bus first and grabbed the first available seat. The wifey followed and he stood up to allow his wife to sit. There were a few seats available, though not near his wife’s seat and hence the husband chose to stand near his wife rather than grab a seat for himself away from her. The wife kept on pestering him to go and sit somewhere or sit at her place. But he refused. The best part of their conversation was her coaxing and his refusing which they did in the most adorable manner. The comfort and the bond was so very alive between them.

It just warmed my heart to witness that pure comfort and bliss of togetherness. At times, I want to go and hug them for their adorableness. Do you find such elderly couples adorable too?

This post is written as a part of April A to Z Challenge 2014 under Non-Themed category. I am doing two posts for this Challenge and Themed posts can be found here.


  1. I might be close to being half of an "elderly couple" but after so many years, it comes down to each other caring more for the other than themselves. It comes from being kind to each other. After 30 some years, I still like my husband and laugh at his jokes. It takes time and work to be an adorable couple but it is well worth the time and effort.

    1. Wow Ann.. 30 years??? Its a big big time.. And who better than you can say what is it that makes chemistry between a couple work !!

  2. I guess as you said over the years they develop a silent bond between themselves and they can understand each other before the other speaks. Yeah, I find them adorable too :)

    1. Yes, I guess its that.. But they are absolutely adorable :)

  3. I think it is the understanding that has developed over the years :) My grandparents are such a sweet couple too, but they pretend otherwise at times :D

    1. Understanding.. Yes.. Thats the most difficult to be achieved, isn't it?? But well, if a couple achieves it, its all worth it..

  4. I have this stupid habit of weeping whenever I see such beautiful relationships.
    True love does exist man!

  5. I do witness such elderly couples and they inspire . May be the fact that they hav the same bond after all these years is heart warming inspite of day to day struggle
    dropping by from A to Z

    1. You are right Afshan, having a bond after so many years is what is inspiring and beautiful both!!

  6. What a sweet observation! My husband and I will definitely be one of those couples when we're elderly... because we are right now. :) Great idea for "E"!

    Nancy at Hungry Enough To Eat Six

    1. How cute Nancy.. I am sure you and your husband will be adorable !! Glad you liked the idea :)

  7. Www that is indeed very sweet. These incidences just melt my heart... I wanna grow old like that with my husband.

    1. Aww.. You will Rajlakshmi.. From what I read about your family on your blogs everyday.. You have a super adorable family !!

  8. Kudos for coming up with this heart warming post, Jyotsna, I mean, Ive seen elderly couple, no canoodling but dignified love or holding hands in silence. It is simply beautiful and dignified love:)

    1. Thanks a lot Vishal.. Yes, there is something very very serene and beautiful about them :)

  9. I love them! I love the scene from "The Wedding Singer" when Adam Sandler's character sings "I Want To Grow Old With You." It makes me think of my husband and I. We have been together for almost 18 years and we have been together since we were 17. Some days, I think we already act like "the little old couple." Fills my heart with joy!

    1. 18 years ?? That is something .. I hope you continue loving and living beautifully always..

  10. I remember my grandparents. They were a couple in perfect sync. One always knew other's mind.

  11. Whenever I see people of our generation squabbling over little things and "breaking up" so easily, I wonder how my grandparents' generation seemed to have it all figured out when it comes to love.

    1. I swear I feel that too.. !! I mean how could things be so smooth between them !! I guess our generation is never going to figure that out. Sigh !!

  12. I love seeing elderly couples showing their love and affection for each other. That's how I want my me and my husband to be! And I think we will :-)

    1. Yes, they are really cute in that aspect. And I am sure you and your husband would be that cute Linda!! Thanks for the visit :)

  13. It's always such a heartwarming feeling to watch them together, the trust and love so well developed over the years. Brilliant post Jyotsna :-)

    1. Yes, it is absolutely heartwarming to see them together.. Thanks Amrit :)

  14. I wrote a long comment here... (I don't know why it wasn't published :() Anyway here it is:
    Nice instances you have mentioned here to portray elderly companionship. I too think about them a lot, their years of together, their level of understanding, their love for each other, the bond they share. Long back I wrote a fiction (which I believe is one of the best post I have written) about elderly couple... You have lovely thoughts. Keep it up! :)

    1. They are a treat to watch, aren't they? Thank you so much Shesha :)

  15. I find elderly couples both sad and inspiring. The strength to weather all the storms of their lives and make it that far is inspirational. To want to be with the same person for that long amazes me and to be willing to work as a team to achieve the longevity of a relationship is awe inspiring. The sadness comes knowing that by the time they have achieved that degree of comfort in each other's presence it is almost at the end.

    1. You are right, they are inspiring, but I dont know about the sad part Cecilia. I guess its more about the journey than the destination. Yes, its almost the end by the time you reach that level of understanding, but again.. they have their memories to each and every moment of it !!

  16. So lovely to read this... yes, sights like this do make you feel happy. I sometimes wonder whether our generation will be able to emulate that generation when we reach the same phase of our lives... or will our constant hunger for something better cripple our relations?
    Touchwood... we will be as awesome as these couples when the time comes :D

    1. I seriously wonder that too, Roshan!! But, well we can just hope for the best !! Hopefully, we would be like them too.

  17. They're so lovable, and they reinforce our faith in relationships !!! :)

  18. Wonderful observation & expression, Jyotsna.
    Yes, even I love their awesome chemistry....

  19. It's always nice to see elderly couples still in love. And there are many who still succeed to keep the romance alive, nay, more than romance.

    1. So rightly said Tomichan Sir, it is much more than just romance :)

  20. So true Neelam.. Beautiful in every sense !

  21. They are simply adorable. And I feel awful to see an old person alone :( And happy when there's an old couple! It is much more than romance, truly said!

    1. Yes, seeing them alone is heartbreaking !! And it is beautiful to see their togetherness :) :)
