Monday 16 February 2015

When my soul went discreetly quiet

When the gypsy in me
Could no longer flee
Hypocrite to myself I now seem
While strangling, one by one, my own dreams
And amidst all this uprooting disquiet
I felt my soul going discreetly quiet

When people who so near
Could no longer hear
My insides tearing apart
Tiny pieces crumbling from my heart
And amidst all this uprooting disquiet
I felt my soul going discreetly quiet

When friendships that were strong
Made you feel all wronged
Facades that I couldn’t break
Trust even was put at stake
And amidst all this uprooting disquiet
I felt my soul going discreetly quiet

When everything around seemed hazy
Madness inside reached a new level crazy
Control on life was unheard of
Once silent waters now seemed rough
And amidst all this uprooting disquiet
I felt my soul going discreetly quiet

Because your soul has a way
To make you hear which aloud you can't say  
It withers from the insides
Without making much noise
And amidst all this uprooting disquiet
You can feel your soul going discreetly quiet

Written for MagpieTales # 258
Imaginary Garden - The Tuesday Platform

Monday 9 February 2015

Awaiting its end

trapped, caged
locked up and enslaved
 in societal precincts
of do's and don’ts
of can't and you won't
vivid dreams
now buried
in gray tombstones
zest to live
cut abrupt
like an umbilical cord
existence mere so deplored
awaiting its end
to cruelty
of bitter life
and devastating loneliness
of hollow society
and vain judgments
yes, death seems prettier
than being
trapped and caged
locked up and enslaved

Thursday 5 February 2015

Idea of Heaven - 55 words

'Cuddled up on an enormous chair with a soft cushion, a cup of hot chocolate and a soft blanket to warm up the insides, favourite book in hand and reading to my heart's content without any interruptions, falling in love with the characters of the book' I replied when asked about my idea of heaven.   

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Maze of Life - 100 words

She saw her three year old daughter Meera's twinkling eyes when she told about visiting a new garden. Meera's happiness knew no bounds on seeing colourful rides all around. 'Let's play and see who reaches the end first' she told her daughter pointing towards the garden maze. She sent her daughter from one end while she took another one. Later, she saw her child giggling and enjoying in the maze while she tiptoed her way out of the garden with tears streaming down her face. She knew that if she looked back, she wouldn’t have the courage to do it.

Written for the photo prompt for this week's Friday Fictioneers
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