we have all heard about the ‘wannabe’ types. Wannabe actresses, wannabe models,
wannabe page 3ites! But, have you
come across the ‘Wannabe Fit Types’. I am sure we all would have come across
such people; it’s just that they have not been coined with this word called ‘Wannabe
Fit Types’. Here are a few characteristics to see if any of the people around
you or you yourself fall under this new age category called the ‘Wannabe Fit
Wannabe Fit Types or the WFTs (be careful while reading coz it’s not WTF) :P Anyways,
so these WFTs are the people who have been taunted by their friends for their protruding
bellies and expanding waistlines or have been inspired by the success stories
of some other WFTs or have heard and read about the benefits of being healthy
and are ready to join the bandwagon and I am definitely one of them for sure.
Wannabe Fit Types are the ones who decide to start taking care of their health
and the first thing that comes to their mind is to start jogging early morning.
They would be all bucked up for the same wherein the night before they would keep
an alarm for waking up on time, buy good jogging shoes, keep their sports-wear
in place and would have probably told their family about their plans of starting
the routine. They might even get their family members into joining them.

next on their target list is food. After all, haven’t we all heard that fitness
is a combination of workout and proper diet :P (Alright, I know I am sounding
like those fitness magazines; call it the side effects of being a WFT) Now,
these WFTs would start instructing their wives or mothers to cook healthier dishes,
switch to
healthier oil options blah blah blah. They would twitch their noses
if they see oil floating in the subzis of others tiffin boxes at office and
wouldn’t dare take a bite of it. Take them to a restaurant and you can see them
making a mental note of calories they would be taking. They would always order paranthas
without butter or oil. Some would even go to the extent of asking the
waiters if they could arrange for a pizza with less cheese. All the while
during their stay at the restaurant, they would keep on counting the amount of
hours they would have to jog to burn the calories they are having. Offer them an
orange cream biscuit at evening tea session in the office and they would
happily bring out a fresh orange from their bags as a substitute! :D :D
you catch them at some party, their plates would be filled with a variety of
salads, and if somebody asks them the reason, they would beam speaking about their
newly acquired health regime and the positive effects it is having on them.
can easily catch them reading the nutrition values and calories of items in
supermarket whilst looking for ‘high fibre’ and ‘high protein’ stuff. Their
shopping cart would invariably have a packet of green tea and high fibre oats. Any
new advertisement of ‘healthy’ eatables or exercise machines in the magazines or television sets
would inadvertently have their attention.
WFTs would always be on the hunt for articles related to healthy habits and would even send across some
beneficial ones to friends around. Their subscription would have easily shifted
from Femina or Maxim to some health magazines.
few of the WFTs become success stories inspiring others while
majority others keep on running this vicious cycle of virtue. Still, this is
one ‘wannabe’ category which isn't negative in any way and I don’t mind being a part of it ;) ;)