‘Why are you looking so pissed off?’ she said trying to fathom the reason behind his cranky behavior since past half an hour sitting at their favourite restaurant.
you who does that to me’ he replied with a stern face looking straight into her
You! you keep me awake with your phone calls late into the night, your messages
keep on popping up on my cell every now and then, your incessant chatter when
we meet, and then your stupid ways of making me smile when I am down, and I
have to drink all that distasteful soup of yours that you make whenever I am
sick, and how can I forget those handmade gifts that you make me for no reason
inspite of telling you a hundred times to not spend sleepless nights for making
those gifts, but you just won’t listen.’ He said in one breath as if the words
were just bursting inside him.
I just do that to..’ and her sentence trailed off with a lump in her throat and
she looked mindlessly at her coffee trying hard to fight tears that were
threatening to spill over the confines of her eyes.
want you to do that for me, for a lifetime, not just this one, but for as many
number of times I am born, Marry me, will you?’ he said and saw her tears finally
leaving her eyes but tagging a faint smile along with them.
for Five Sentence Fiction for the prompt - Marriage