the first post of 2014 it is ! *Happy Dance* The moment the dreary old clock on
the drawing room wall showed 12 am on 31st December last year (ah,
the happiness of writing 2013 as last year) blaring music all around reached a crescendo,
firecrackers lit up chilly December sky, greetings flew down from all corners,
telephone networks jammed, Facebook walls flooded with New year wishes, Whatsapp continually buzzed, that very moment, the first
thing that came to my mind was ‘To Beautiful New Beginnings’.
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the optimist in me was at her highest high totally drunk on the idea of Hope.
Yes, Hope that the upcoming year would usher in happiness and its fleet within
my life. I did write about how my last year fared here and yet my dear Hope doesn’t
seem to leave its premises within my heart. It has found a permanent residence
inside me. I too let her be, let her occupy a rent free space inside me.
have become kinda best friends - not leaving each other in any circumstances,
she always riding on my mind guiding me with her teeny weeny torch through
thicker times and me always holding her hand in small and big occasions of
everybody wished me a Happy New Year and I reciprocated with mutual warmth, I
asked myself what did I wish for myself this New Year. And this is the answer
my heart (which now totally speaks to the tunes of Hope) gave me.
It is the Passion
that keeps you burning
May you keep it
alive and continue the learning
May of big Dreams
your eyes be the carrier
But you reel out
efforts to achieve even Bigger
May you meet some
amazing People this year
But may you keep
the current best ones even more near
May you read some
great authors
But may you be able
to Pen yourself even better
May your
materialistic wishes this year come true
But, may you Grow
as an individual in spirituality too
May happiness in
your Family ensue
And may you be one the
reasons of their happiness too
May within your
soul Happiness be found
But may you also spread
a lot of Cheer around
May the negativity within
you subside
But may you be able
to remove fears from other’s insides
Life always smooth, may you find
But if it gets stormy, may you
find Faith to withstand and fight
May every passing
day Outshine the earlier
May this year you be nothing but all the more happier
And now, I would end this post with an ‘Amen’ for all of the above. J J Happy New Year Friends. By the way, what did your heart wish for?