Thursday, 2 October 2014

Sip by Sip.. Drop by Drop..

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Sip by Sip
Drop by Drop
You drain me, You strain me
I talk, I blabber
I go on a rampage of meaningless chatter
A part of me nestles within you
I somehow now settle within you

Sip by Sip
Drop by Drop
You drain me, You strain me
Pouring myself out
I feel emptied without a doubt
Happiness, Worries, Hopes and Fears
I almost even showed you my tears

Sip by Sip
Drop by Drop
You drain me, You strain me
Vulnerable I so feel
My brokenness before you I peeled
Past fears grow up as I let my guards go down
Damn! I sometimes end up feeling like a clown

Sip by Sip
Drop by Drop
You drain me, You strain me
I fear you would know me
I fear you would grow upon me
Raw, unguarded you make me feel
Everytime I talk; everytime with you I deal

Sip by Sip
Drop by Drop
You drain me, You strain me
Alas! a part of you never walked upto me
Your guards I know are harder than steel
I wish I could learn that from you
How you never give anybody a feeblest clue

Mystery I prefer to remain
My aloofness I wish to sustain
My own intentions you make me doubt
Of my own shackles you make me want to break out
Sip by Sip
Drop by Drop
I see myself getting drained out !!

Image Source : Google


  1. Simple words, but, very meaningful poem Jyotsna! I am not good at commenting on any poem, I just loved the way you played with the words :)
    TC! Keep smiling :) Happy writing :)

    1. Whatever you say Sindhu, your words are very encouraging. Thank you for being here every time I put up something. Lots of Love :) :)

  2. What a beautiful poem! Loved it!

  3. Very beautiful! I like the rhythm you infused with 'Sip by sip and drop by drop'!

  4. Wow!! That was awesome!! I loved the flow of the poem, the way it unfolded!

  5. So many emotions up there. Beautiful :)

  6. Love how you brought out so many emotions! Beautiful! :)

  7. WOW! Love has multifold emotions indeed :)

  8. When we start the sipping we cannot do anything but fail to communicate.. alas, Amor is a devious bastard

  9. Ah, love shouldn't drain it should fill, fulfill. You have written very well of one sided love.

    1. Thank you. I guess its not just love.. it's the sadness of every one sided relationship where one person keeps on pouring themselves out and the other one doesnt respond.

  10. sadness drips from every word....nice write :)

  11. Awesome poem ... emotions so well described ... why the hell can't I write like this? :(

    1. Thank you Sinha.. And you can't write like this coz you write much much better poetry than what I write !!

  12. This piece vividly illustrates an incredibly intense connection.

  13. brilliant piece, jyotsna.. so much of emotions. so much of beauty.. loved it.. hugs!

  14. I would run, not walk, away from a person who drained me. Nothing good can come......

    1. Ah, well.. yeah one could up their guards as well and not let people sip through them !

  15. i would prefer a mystery as well...there comes a time when all the draining leaves you rather empty....this too i know...

  16. At first I read as if a person was with a psychiatrist in the talking cure, but as the poem progressed, I began to see the betrayal as the listener refuses to open. So much given, too much taken away before we realize it isn't reciprical. I'd rather be a mystery too. I never thought of this before. Maybe it's why I rarely let myself be vulnerable.

    1. You have pointed out very well Susan about the betrayal because of the other person not opening up! Well.. being mystery is fine unless the other person doesn't feel emptied because of pouring out !!

  17. i like the rhythm the poem has.. an in the end i am reminded of all those relationships which seem to drain that energy right out.

  18. I guess our guards are there for a reason. Trust is a major requirement for them to come down. Because you wrote of drips and drops I thought of drinking alcohol as something that relaxes those inhibitions, those parts of ouselves we prefer to keep inside especially when the listener does not share any of him or herself.

    1. Yep, guards are there for a reason but I guess they shouldn't be there in front of people who are open to you. And yes, alcohol does bring out our inhibited selves. Thanks for visiting Myrna :)

  19. I love the repetition of the has given a nice pace to the rhythm..wonderful..:-)

  20. This reminds me of the angst that can occur in unequal relationships - very well described.

  21. Very powerful imagery. Feeling like you are losing yourself is never fun. Well written.

    1. Yes, how can losing ourselves be fun?? Thank you. Glad you liked it :)

  22. Replies
    1. Umm.. I would say, not necessarily only love does that to you !!


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